Mosses, Ferns and Lichens in Gardens

Lichens-L at [emailaddress email=”lichens-l@HAWAII.EDU”] is an email circulated to all lichenologists world wide. Within reason, lichenological questions can be asked and someone may answer.

Chris Ellis’s Webpage ( on Lichens in Scotland, and his work at RBG Edinburgh.

Professor Rosie Honegger at University of Zurich Botanic Garden.
Aptroot A. and Honegger R. 2006Lichens in the New Botanical Garden of the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Bot. Helv. 116: 135 – 148.
The lichen flora of the 30 years old New Botanical Garden of the University of Zürich was investigated. In total 149 species of lichen-forming ascomycetes were found, including Red Listed species like Arthonia dispersa and Parmotrema perlatum. The following species were recorded for the first time in Switzerland: Bacidia adastra, Flavoparmelia soredians and Lecanora xanthostoma. 18 species of lichenized and 2 species of non-lichenized ascomycetes are new records for the Canton of Zürich. Our data are compared with published inventories of the epiphytic, foliose and fruticose lichens of the city of Zürich from the first and second half of the 20th century. A range of Peltigera spp. was transplanted to the most humid and shady part of the alpine garden and their growth and development monitored. Spontaneously growing and introduced lichen species in the relatively small Zürich Botanical Garden amount to almost 10% of all lichen species known from Switzerland.
See also

Jeffrey G. Duckett – Publications (September 2007)


J.G. Duckett (1969). Spore size in the genus Equisetum. New Phytologist 69: 334-346.J.G. Duckett (1970). Sexual behaviour of the genus Equisetum, subgenus Equisetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 63: 327-352.

J.G. Duckett (1970). The coning behaviour of the genus Equisetum in Britain. British Fern Gazette 10: 107-112.

J.G. Duckett (1973). Comparative morphology of the gametophytes of the genus Equisetum, subgenus Equisetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 66: 1-22.

J.G. Duckett & C.N. Page (1975). Equisetum L. In: C.A. Stace (Ed.). Hybridization in the British Flora. B.S.B.I. Publications 99-103.

J.G. Duckett (1979). Comparative morphology of the gametophytes of genus Equisetum subgenus Hippochaete and the sexual behaviour of E. ramosissimum subsp. debile (Roxb.) Hauke, E. hyemale var. affine (Engelm.) A.A., and E. laevigatum A.Br. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 79: 179-203.

J.G. Duckett (1979). An experimental study of the reproductive biology and hybridization in the European and North American species of Equisetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 79: 205-229.

J.G. Duckett & A.R. Duckett (1980). Reproductive biology and population dynamics of wild gametophytes of Equisetum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 80;1-40

J.G. Duckett & W.C. Pang (1984). The origins of heterospory: a comparative study of sexual behaviour in the fern Platyzoma microphyllum R. Br. and the horsetail Equisetum gigantium L. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 88: 11-34.

J.G. Duckett (1985). Wild gametophytes of Equisetum sylvaticum. American Fern Journal 75: 120-127.

J.G. Duckett & R. Ligrone (1992). A light and electron microscope study of the fungal endophytes in the sporophyte and gametophyte of Lycopodium cernuum L. with observations on the gametophyte-sporophyte junction. Canadian Journal of Botany 70: 58-72.

Duckett,J.G.& Ligrone,R. (2005). A comparative cytological analysis of fungal endophytes in the sporophyte rhizomes and vascularized gametophytes of Tmesipteris and Psilotum. Canadian Journal of Botany.83 , 1443-1456.
J.G. Duckett, A.K.S.K. Prasad, D.A. Davies & S. Walker (1977). A cytological analysis of the Nostoc-bryophyte relationship. New Phytologist 79: 349-362.K. Pocock & J.G. Duckett (1985). On their occurrence of branched and swollen rhizoids in British hepatics: their relationships with the substratum and associations with fungi. New Phytologist 99: 281-304.

A. Christie, K. Pocock, D.H. Lewis & J.G. Duckett (1985). A comparison between carbohydrates of axenically cultured hepatics and of those collected in the field. Journal of Bryology 13: 417-422.

R.S. Clymo & J.G. Duckett (1986). Regeneration of Sphagnum. New Phytologist 102: 589-614.

J.H. Doonan & J.G. Duckett (1988). The bryophyte cytoskeleton; experimental and immunofluorescence studies of protonemal morphogenesis. Advances in Bryology 3: 1-33.

J.G. Duckett & R.S. Clymo (1988). Regeneration of bog liverworts. New Phytologist 110: 119-127.

J.G. Duckett, K.S. Renzaglia, K. Pell & A. Russell (1989). The biology of underground organs in the Jungermanniales. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society 53: 19-23.

J.G. Duckett & R. Ligrone (1991). Gemma germination and morphogenesis of a highly differentiated gemmiferous protonema in the tropical moss Calymperes (Calymperaceae, Musci). Cryptogamic Botany 2/3: 219-228.

J.G. Duckett, K.S. Renzaglia & K. Pell (1991). A light and electron microscope study of rhizoid-ascomycete associations and flagelliform axes in British hepatics: with observations on the effects of the fungus on host morphology. New Phytologist, 118: 233-257.

J.G. Duckett & D.J. Read (1991). The use of the fluorescent dye 3, 3’dihexylocarbocyanine iodide (DiOC6(3)) for selective staining of ascomycete fungi asssociated with liverwort rhizoids and ericoid mycorrhizal roots. New Phytologist 118: 259-272.

J.G. Duckett & R. Ligrone (1992). A survey of diaspore liberation mechanisms and germination patterns in mosses. Journal of Bryology 17, 335-354.

J.A. Goode, J.G. Duckett & A.J. Stead (1992). Towards an understanding of developmental interrelationships between chloronema, caulonema, rhizoids and plates in mosses; a comparative study. Cryptogamic Botany 3, 50-59.

J.A. Goode, J.G. Duckett & A.J. Stead (1992). Morphogenesis of the moss Tetraphis pellucida Hedw. in culture and in the wild. Annals of Botany 70, 519-530.

R. Ligrone, J.G. Duckett & A. Egunyomi (1992). Foliar and protonemal gemmae in the tropical moss Calymperes (Calymperaceae): an ultrastructural study. Cryptogamic Botany 2, 317-329.

J.A. Goode, F. Alfano, A.D. Stead and J.G. Duckett (1993). The formation of aplastidic abscission (tmema) cells and protonemal disruption in the moss Bryum tenuisetum Limpr. is associated with transverse arrays of microtubules and microfilaments. Protoplasma 174: 158-172.

R. Ligrone & J.G. Duckett (1993). A comparative ultrastructural study of endophytic basidiomycetes in the parasitic achlorophyllous hepatic Cryptothallus mirabilis Malm. and the closely-allied photosynthetic species Aneura pinguis (L.) Dum. (Metzgeriales). Canadian Journal of Botany, 71, 666-679.

J.G. Duckett, J.A. Goode & A.D. Stead (1993). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses I. Ephemerum. Journal of Bryology 17: 397-408.

J.A. Goode, A.D. Stead & J.G. Duckett (1993). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses II. Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. Journal of Bryology 17, 409-419.

J.G. Duckett and K.S. Renzaglia (1993). The reproductive biology of the liverwort Blasia pusilla L. Journal of Bryology 17, 541-552.

J.A. Goode, J.G. Duckett & A.J. Stead (1993). Protonemal morphogenesis in Sphagnum: the cytoskeleton and effects of growth regulators. Advances in Bryology 5. 129-151.

J.A. Goode, J.G. Duckett and A.D. Stead. (1993). Redifferentiation of moss protonemata: an experimental and immunofluorescence study of brood cell formation. Canadian Journal of Botany. 71, 1510-1519.

F. Alfano, A. Russell, R. Gambardella & J.G. Duckett. (1993). The actin cytoskeleton of the liverwort Riccia fluitans: effects of cytochalasin B and aluminium ions on rhizoid tip growth. Journal of Plant Physiology. 142, 569-574.

J.G. Duckett & R. Ligrone (1994). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. III. The perennial gemmiferous protonema of Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw) Kop. Journal of Bryology. 18, 13-26.

J.A. Goode, A.D. Stead, R. Ligrone & J.G. Duckett. (1994). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. IV. Aloina (Pottiales). Journal of Bryology. 18, 27-41.

J.G. Duckett (1994). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. V. Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw). Mohr (Buxbaumiales). Journal of Bryology. 18, 223-238.

J.G. Duckett (1994). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. VI. The foliar rhizoids of Calliergon stramineum (Brid) Kindb. function as organs of attachment. Journal of Bryology.18, 239-252.

J.G. Duckett & D.J. Read (1995). Ericoid mycorrhizas and rhizoid-ascomycete associations in liverworts share the same mycobiont: isolation of the partners and their resynthesis in vitro. New Phytologist. 129, 439-447.

J.G. Duckett & H.W. Matcham (1995). Studies of protonemal morphogensis in mosses. VII. The perennial rhizoids and gemmiferous protonema of Dicranella heteromalla (Hedw) Schimp. Journal of Bryology. 18, 407-424.

K.I. Kingham, J.G. Duckett, M.C.P. Glyn, A.R. Leitch (1995). Nuclear differentiation in the filamentous caulonema of the most Funaria hygrometrica. New Phytologist 131, 543-556.

K.I. Kingham, J.G. Duckett, B. Gasdova, A. Kovarik, M. Bezdek and A.R. Leitch. (1997). The role of DNA methylation in nuclear and cell differentiation in the filamentous caulonema of the moss Funaria hygrometrica. New Phytologist, 138, 567-577.

J.G. Duckett, A.M. Schmid & R. Ligrone (1998). Protonemal morphogenesis. In: J.W. Bates, N.W. Ashton & J.G. Duckett (Eds.). Bryology for the Twenty First Century. Maney, Leeds. pp.223-246..

Read, D.J., Duckett, J.G. Francis, R. Ligrone, R. and Russell A. (2000). Symbiotic fungal associations in ‘lower’land plants. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 355, 815-832

Newton, A.E., Cox, C.J., Duckett, J.G., Wheeler, J.A. Gofinet, B. and Mischler B.D. (2000). Evolution of major moss lineages: phylogenetic analyses bases on multiple gene sequences and morphology. Bryologist 103, 187-211.

Duckett, J.G., Goode, J.A. & Matcham, H.W. (2001) Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. VIII. The gemmiferous protonemata of Dicranoweisia and Orthodontium. Journal of Bryology, 23, 181-194.

Duckett, J.G. & Pressel, S. (2003) Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses IX. Discelium nudum: exquisite adaptation to unstable claybanks. Journal of Bryology. 25, 241-246.

Duckett, J.G., Fletcher, P., Francis, R. Matcham, H.W., Read, J.T., Russell, A.J. & Pressel, S. (2004) In vitro cultivation of bryophytes; practicalities, progress, problems and promise. Journal of Bryology. 26, 3-20.

Martinez-Abaigar, J. Nunez-Olivera, E. Matcham, H.W.& Duckett, J.G.(2005) Interactions between parasitic fungi and mosses: pegged and swollen-tipped rhizoids in Bryum and Funaria.Journal of Bryology,27,47-53.

Pressel,S.& Duckett,J.G. ( 2005). Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. X. Ephemeraceae revisited;new dimensions underground. Journal of Bryology.27, 311-318.

Pressel S. & Duckett JG.(2006). The parasitic ascomycete Mniaecia jungermanniae (Nees ex Fr.) Boud. induces the formation of giant perichaetia and apogamous sporophytes in leafy liverworts. Canadian Journal of Botany.84, 384-392.

Duckett,J. G. Russell, J. & Ligrone,R. (2006). Basidiomycetous endophytes in jungermannialean ( leafy ) liverworts have novel cytology and species-specific host ranges: a cytological and experimental study. Canadian Journal of Botany.84, 1075-1093.

Duckett, J.G., Pressel,S. & Ligrone, R. (2006). Cornish bryophytes in the Atlantic Arc: cell biology, culturing, conservation and climate change. In: SJ Leach, CN Page,Y Peytoureau and MN Sanford (Eds) Botanical Links in the Atlantic Arc. English Nature and the Botanical Society of the British Isles,Conference Report 24. pp.165-177.

Rothero,G.M., Duckett,J.G. & Pressel,S. (2006).Active conservation – augmenting the only British population of Bryum schleicheri var. latifolium via in vitro cultivation. Field Bryology 90: 12-16.

Pressel,S., Duckett,J.G. & Rowntree, J. (2006). In vitro cultivation:its contributions to bryophyte ecology. Field Bryology 90: 48.(Abstract).

Schuette,S., Renzaglia K,S. & Duckett J.G.(2006). Exploring the model moss Physcomitrella patens: the forgotten frontier. American Journal of Botany (Abstract)

Rowntree J K, Duckett J G, Mortimer C L, Ramsay M, Pressel S. 2007. Formation of specialized propagules resistant to desiccation and cryopreservation in the threatened moss Ditrichum plumbicola Crundw. (Ditrichales,Bryopsida). Annals of Botany;100; 483-496.
In Press
Ligrone R, Carafa A, Bonfante P, Biancotto V, Duckett J G. 2007.Glomeromycotean associations in liverworts: a molecular, cytological and taxonomical survey. American Journal of BotanyPressel S, Ligrone R, Duckett J G. 2007. The ascomycete Rhizoscyphus ericae elicits a range of host responses in the rhizoids of leafy liverworts; an experimental and cytological analysis. Fieldiana. (Invited refereed contribution to celebrate the achievements of the distinguished American hepaticologist John Engel).

Duckett, J G & Ligrone R. 2007. Endophytic liverworts in New Zealand liverworts. In: Engels J & Glenny D. 2008. The liverwort flora of New Zealand. Chicago University Press
Pressel,S. Matcham H W & Duckett,J.G. 2007. Studies of protonemal morphogenesis in mosses. XI. Bryum and related genera;a plethora of propagules. Journal of Bryology